Sunday, December 29, 2013

Post Christmas 2013

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  We had a great time - my mom and her husband are both here for the holidays, all the way from England!  Mom's been here since Thanksgiving Day - she was able to have Thanksgiving Dinner with us at our home.  Marion arrived on 12/21, just in time for Christmas.

Here are some pictures of our décor for our first Christmas in our new home:

This is the wreath that I made for our front door:
Here is the foyer and the garland I put up (that's Dominion hanging out at the top of the stairs):
Here's the tree from the inside of the house (we put the packages on a table so the pups wouldn't step or tinkle on them):
Here's the mug my son gave me - finally have a Carolina mug that I can drink out of and enjoyed some mango margaritas last night!  

Here's the view of the house from the outside, with the tree lit up and the garland on the handrails:

Christmas was a lot of fun with the family.  Had good eats, great gifts, and a good time.  I feel so blessed to have the family that I have, both my family, and my husband and son and my mother-in-law.  We may not always get along, but we are family and work with our conflicts. 
Here's the newest addition to our animal menagerie 
He's a dumbo rat, and has a crippled up little foot (you can see it in the photo, it's turned inward and up towards his chest).  I think he's missing a digit on the other front foot, too.  He started out as food for Prissy, but she chose not to eat him and I felt sorry for him because he looked so so pitiful in the tank with her, so we got him the hook up with a house and food.  Now, to think of a cool name for him....any ideas or suggestions????  He seems to be really sweet, lets me pet him (I haven't handled him other than petting him yet, I want him to get comfortable with being touched first).  Of course the pups are quite interested in him, and they would eat him if given half the chance. 
I'm making chili and cornbread, and my mom-in-law is making stuffed jalapenos for dinner today - Mom and Marion are bringing Steven back home (he's been with them since Christmas Day), and will be here for dinner.  I'm thinking of undecorating today, but that involves getting into the attic and I just don't know if I can get it done before our dinner guests arrive.  I kinda want Marion to see the house decorated, since he hasn't even seen the house yet other than photos my mom shared with him.  Guess I can put it off another day.
Tomorrow will be a busy day - have to go renew my gun permit (finally get my name and address changed on it), file for my homestead exemption, and take Steven by the social security office.  Might as well take him to the post office, too, to have him register for Selective Service, since he turned 18 last month.  I may end up having to go to work tomorrow afternoon - seems there's a problem with our accounting system and I wasn't able to do payroll Friday, so I may have to take care of that tomorrow so that we will all still get paid on Thursday.
I likely won't blog again until next year, but who knows.  If not - please don't drink and drive on New Year's Eve!  Make sure you either have a DD or will be partying somewhere that you have a place to sleep it off, if you choose to drink.  Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Bah humbug!

For some reason, I cannot access my Facebook page on either my laptop or my phone.  I just get a blank screen.  Facebook will load for other people's accounts on my laptop, just not mine - I get a blank screen when I attempt to connect.  I sent a message to the help center, and hopefully my account will be restored soon, but I just wanted to let you all know if you don't see me on Facebook this weekend, it's not for lack of trying!  LOL  Send me an email at if you wanna get in touch with me, or call or text me if you need me.

We're going Christmas shopping today to finish it up.  Of course it's raining and dreary outside, so hopefully we can wipe it out fast and get home.  At least it's not freezing cold, so that's a good thing.

Random stuff:

*I have so much to get done in the next week or so, it's ridiculous. 

*Watching GMA this morning - it's absolutely CRAZY about how people are freaking out over Beyoncé's new album release. 

*I'm laying in bed with the hubby and the pups - they're all snoozing and being lazy.  Wish I could be that way - I can't sleep like I used to, as far as laying in bed all day - makes my bones ache!

*I made a wreath last weekend - I miss being artsy-fartsy/crafty.  I need to get back into my hobbies, but I've just lacked the motivation for anything other than the necessities of life lately - eating, sleeping, going to work.  That is my life, in a nutshell.

*My mom is home for the holidays and I'm so happy!  I'm going to spend the day with her tomorrow, to try to help her finish Christmas shopping.  She hasn't done ANY yet. 

Well I suppose it's time for me to shower and get ready to go shopping. Y'all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013