Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Future

The election is over (thank goodness, tired of all the ads everywhere) and unfortunately, my candidate did not win.  I've never been overly upset whenever my preferred candidate lost in the past, but this time was different.  Brian stayed up watching the election coverage and came to bed sometime around 3am or so.  He woke me to give me the news, and it was like someone poured cold water over me.  I stared into the bathroom for what seemed like hours, and the tears just came flowing as the realization sunk in that one of the vilest humans possible was elected as our president.

Donald Trump is a:

  • convicted felon
  • 91 criminal charges (dropped to 88)
  • 4 indictments
  • rapist
  • racist
  • con-man
  • liar
  • cheater 
    • he cheated on his wives
    • he cheats businesses out of payment
    • he hasn't paid the venues at which he has held his political rallies
  • insurrectionist
  • 6 bankruptcies
  • 2 impeachments
  • 1 convicted company
  • 1 fake charity shut down
  • 1 fake university shut down
  • 26 sexual assault allegations
  • $25 million dollar fraud settlement
  • $5 million dollar sexual abuse settlement
  • $2 million dollar charity abuse settlement
I could go on and on, but you get the point.  Those of you that support him seem to overlook all of these things, and claim that it's all "fake news", or that this stuff only comes up because the other side wants to smear him.

It's fact that he's a convicted felon.  34 felony counts for paying off the porn star to try to keep news of their one-night stand secret so it wouldn't affect the election.

It's a fact that he's a rapist - he was found liable for defamation against someone who alleged rape, and the judge stated that it was fact that he raped her, but unfortunately the statute of limitations had past for that crime.

It's a fact that he's a racist.  There are court cases and statements regarding this.

It's a fact that he's a liar. There are over 30,000 documented and proven lies that he told in his first presidency term.  He told multiple lies during his only debate with Kamala.  

It's a fact that he's a cheater.  He cheated on his first wife with his second wife.  He cheated on his second wife with his third wife, and he cheated on his third wife multiple times, including with the adult film star.

It's a fact that he cheats businesses out of payments.  There are multiple cases known where he refused to pay, violating the contracts, but he bogs the businesses down with legal filings, making it too expensive for the business to keep fighting for payment.

That's all I have to say about the list above, as it's all documented fact and you can look it up yourself.

Here are my predictions, and honestly, my fears, for what this Trump presidency will give us:
  • will weaponize the DOJ to go after his political enemies, having them arrested and prosecuted.  He has stated that he will do this.
  • is already buddied up with Putin and will buddy up with Kim Jon Un if he hasn't already. (remember - he has praised them multiple times and mentioned he wants to be like them)
  • will grant tax breaks for the wealthy (he did it in his first presidency, so we know he will try to do this again)
  • will take away rights from the LGBTQ+ community (this is in the Project 2025 agenda)
  • will institute a federal ban on abortion
  • will ban contraception
  • will pardon all of the January 6 insurrectionists (he has stated this previously)
  • he won't leave the presidency at the end of his term OR there won't even be an election in 2028
  • will destroy federal agencies such as EPA, DOE, IRS
  • will implement Project 2025

For those of you who insist that he was telling the truth that he "knows nothing about Project 2025" - do you really believe that?  His name is mentioned in it more than 300 times.  The vice president-elect wrote the forward.  Over 200 of his previous administration officials are involved in the project.  This project was created by his loyalists and allies. He runs in the same circles with many of these people. There is just no way in the universe that he could not know about this plot.  And now that he's won the election, there are several in his circle saying that yes, they are planning on implementing this project, that it's the real agenda.

Trump doesn't understand how tariffs work.  He thinks by implementing tariffs against foreign goods, those foreign countries will be penalized and paying the tariffs.  He doesn't understand that it will make the prices increase for those items, and many of those items imported are not manufactured here in the states.  I understand the purpose of tariffs, and why he'd want to implement them, but it will ultimately cause inflation.

He wants to "deport all the illegals" and has said that there is no price tag too high to accomplish this.  What he and his supporters don't understand, is that this will cost at least $100,000,000,000 (billion) dollars, and will take 20 years to accomplish.  In the meantime, this deportation will cost the country millions of dollars in taxes (immigrants pay sales tax, ad velorem tax on property, property taxes, etc.). Creating "shelters" where immigrants would stay until they are deported would cost around $40 million PER MONTH to operate. Using existing jail or prison space to house the undocumented until deportation would cost around $350 a day. Currently the average time it takes a case to make it through immigration court is 1016 days - at $350/day, that would cost $355,600 per immigrant.

Where would we send these immigrants once they are scheduled for deportation?  There are at least a dozen countries that do not accept immigrants being deported from the US.  These countries include China, Cuba, India, and Russia, as well as Venezuela. 

5% of the American workforce is undocumented immigrants.  5% might not sound like a lot, but those folks make up a large percentage of our food processing (think produce harvesting and packaging, and working at meat packing plants), as well as construction.  By removing these folks from the country, we would see crops die and not make it to the grocers, produce and home construction costs will skyrocket because Americans generally don't work those jobs.   

Removing all of these people from the country would also affect other businesses.  Think about it - the immigrants would no longer be here to buy food, clothing, and other goods, which would cause those businesses to lose sales, and the governments to lose tax revenue.

I agree that we need to fix the immigration problem and I don't know the answer, but mass deporting people will not solve the problem.  

One thing mentioned in Agenda 47, the "official GOP platform", they intend to cut federal funding for any school that is "pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children".  Who is going to determine what is appropriate or not?  Just because YOU don't believe in more than 2 genders, doesn't make having just 2 genders true.  Just because YOU don't want children to learn about our country's racist past and how it affects things today, doesn't mean our children shouldn't learn about it.  We cannot grow and improve without learning about our past, no matter how ugly it may be, otherwise we are doomed to repeat it.

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading.  Please don't respond back with hate, or with "fake news!" comments.  None of this is fake.  It's all real, and it's all documented.  If you can't research on your own and find these things, then I can't help you.

I sure hope that I am wrong about these things, but I just have an awful feeling that most if not all of these things will happen.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

One Year Ago Today...

...I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in the right inguinal lymph node.  Thus began my journey as a cancer patient, and thankfully I am now a cancer survivor. 

Reading this: 

was certainly NOT what I expected that day when the results came through.  I'm not going to rehash everything I went through, but I am forever thankful that it is over, at least as far as treatment goes.  I've got a negative PET scan and a negative CT scan under my belt and have my next scans in late December.  

I still have dreams of having to have surgery, the type of surgery is usually different, and I honestly cannot remember actually knowing the type of surgery I was having. In my dreams, I don't think I have cancer, but I can't remember all of it to know for sure.

I had my port removed on August 23 and am so happy to be able to wear my seat belt properly while driving now!  

I think I mentioned in my last blog post that I was adopting the mantra "All will be well" and "this girl can".  Today I did a little something...

Colby at Long Live Tattoo in Lagrange added this little reminder to my arm today.  It didn't even dawn on me until I was talking to my sis-in-law that today makes a year since diagnosis.  How fitting that I chose today as the day to have my mantra inscribed permanently on my arm.  It will serve as a reminder to me that I went through something pretty tough, and if I can get through that, I can get through anything.

If you want to know more about my journey with cancer, please message me on Facebook or comment here.  I'm an open book when it comes to matters of my health.

Thank you to all of you who prayed for me, sent positive energy, mo-jo, ju-ju, etc., to me over the last year.  I've definitely felt the positivity!