Wow, I am so glad it's Friday. I know I was only at work for 3 days this week, but they seemed to be eternal! Made me think of Billy Graham at a commencement speech he gave at USC when I was there - he made the comment that a commencement speech "did not have to be eternal to be immortal" or someething to that effect, then went on to speak for waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too long! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy me some Billy Graham on occasion, even went to see him in Charlotte, NC, back in the mid-90's, but commencement ceremonies, especially ones for colleges, last too long as it is, without having a long-winded speaker.
I imagine with the political climate the way it is today, and the way that people complain about religion, politics, education, and everything else, that a state college wouldn't have a religious leader give the commencement address. I remember back in the 80's and early 90's, we had prayer, benediction, invocation, and a baccalaureate service in regards to graduation (any or all of the aforementioned things). But we as a nation are getting to be too liberal to continue enjoying these same things at graduation ceremonies today. (I won't go into details, but I posted an article about a student valedictorian no less - suing to ALLOW her to lead the audience in prayer at her graduation ceremony) Oh well, let me just stop here - I have friends on both sides of the proverbial fence and don't wish to offend anyone, nor do I wish to start a comment battle, but I think you all know my opinion and feelings on this subject. Prayer never hurt anyone, and for those of us that believe, it sure can help and be answered!
I finally got to wear my strappy leopard print sandals today - I haven't worn them since fall of 2009 (couldn't last year because of my surgery). I made it in them all day today (they have about a 4 inch heel on them) and even wore them to my mom's for dinner tonight. (Mom calls them my "slut shoes" lol) So I get home tonight, take them off, and Brian starts rubbing the top of my left foot and OMG the pain! (last night some things in the shower fell on the top of that foot, like the bottles of shaving cream, shampoo, body wash, etc - got a little clumsy in the shower). I have a very painful spot that I can't even touch, and wow, to walk on it now is even somewhat painful. And of course, it's swollen, I think more so from wearing heels all day than anything else. I'm just amazed that it didn't hurt until Brian touched it tonight.
Well, it's about bed time - really tired tonight! Y'all have a great weekend!
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