Had an awesome last weekend with Brian before his deployment yesterday. We went to Netherworld Friday night - Steven was sooooo scared during some of it! He ran out screaming at the end when the guy with the chainsaw got after him! I damn near peed my pants, laughing at it!!! But, he says he enjoyed himself, and made sure he took plenty of pictures with all the monsters that were roaming the grounds, and he's willing to try the one out in Griffin one weekend soon.
We had family dinner on Saturday - baked ham & turkey breast, dressing, fresh collards and butterbeans, sweet potatoes, tater salad....having some great leftovers now! Steven also had a first "date" on Saturday night - went to the homecoming football game with a sweet girl that lives on the other side of our park.
Yesterday was tough. I'd been dreading yesterday for a few weeks now, well hell, a few months actually, but I held up a lot better than I thought I would. Here's some pictures:
Yesterday was pretty hard on Brian's mom, too. She's a tough lady, and has a tough fight with her cancer going on.
Anyway, I made a point of trying to be positive today, and go into work with a positive attitude, even though I had a nightmare about work over the weekend, in anticipation of what I was going to find when I returned this morning. (yes I took all of last week off so I'd be available to spend time with Brian whenever he wasn't with his army unit) It actually wasn't too bad today, just some of the usual frustrations but nothing major. Thank GOD!!!!
I even managed to listen to some of the CD we had burned for our wedding on the ride in to work this morning. I'm such a sentimental, emotional sap, at times, and listening to certain songs just make me all mushy and teary-eyed, but surprisingly it didn't have that effect this morning. I figure it was because I was determined to make it through my day, emotionally intact, and yay! I succeeded!
So folks, prayer for the safety of my husband and all of the soldiers that are deployed in various areas of the world. Pray for their safety while in training, while on their various assignments, safe travels, and safe return to their families. And please pray for the family members that are missing them - their spouses, children, parents, siblings, etc.
We all deal with our emotions differently, some are more transparent than others with their feelings. If you know someone who has a loved one that's deployed - check in on them occasionally. Offer to be there for them, and then actually....be....there....for....them.....
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