Okay, so my butt isn't exactly big - I've always had that "white girl syndrome" - a flat ass. Yes, my ass may be a tad bit wide, but I'm finally getting some nice shape to it with the work I'm doing at the gym. Enough changes that my mother has noticed the last 2 times she's come back from England. I'm going to keep working out, and building up my ass, so that it has an even nicer shape eventually.
Christie Brinkley. Love her philosophy. Find her way too skinny to be attractive. I also think she looks more like a younger Heather Locklear than herself. She has aged well, but just too skinny. Always has been. But at least she was never waif-like.
Running. Something I want to do. Something I have trouble doing, due to my bladder issue. Thinking I either need to invest in some Poise, and/or book that procedure for mid-June. But I know running will burn more calories than most other cardio workouts that I do. Gonna think about how to proceed, and perhaps try it around the neighborhood so I can hit the restroom frequently if/when needed. LOL But seriously, it's kind of a scary thought to think of running - the pounding of my feet on the pavement, how that will feel, how long will I be able to do it?
Definitely working on this. And I can tell a difference. I decided tonight to step it up a notch and use heavier weights for almost all the sets in Power class. I was successful at it, which basically means I have increased my strength level from prior workouts. From what I've learned, you should use a weight that fatigues your muscles, and makes it extremely difficult to complete all the reps, and I was at that point tonight. I suppose that means that I will continue using that level, until I can complete all reps without much struggle at the end, then it will be time to increase the weights again.
That picture does NOT motivate me. Not at all. I actually find it kinda gross. Stomach looks weird - not flat and muscular, just an odd "shape" and tone to it. And she is SKINNY. Don't know if she's strong too, but she's way too freaking skinny.
This picture does motivate me - somewhat. I do know that I will never have a body like this, and I am perfectly okay with that.
Yes, strong is beautiful. This picture, is not.
I assume this picture was created with the intention to convey a person's strength and athletic abilities, to win "The Hunger Games". What's funny is all I could think of was "yes, I could win a contest on being the most hungry". It never fails, when I attempt to curb my eating, be more vigilant in what I do eat, that I tend to get extremely hungry. Part of it is that you do tend to be more hungry when you work out regularly and burn a lot of calories, but part of it is just that I freaking love to eat.
Sexy face? Hmmm. I've seen some workout faces at the gym. Some - maybe a little sexy. Others - ho hum. One - horrifically scary (this guy using the seated leg press machine - I made Brian promise to NEVER make a face like that guy!) Just not so sure that making faces during workouts is sexy.
That one was just funny. Not necessarily true, as they can be imperfect when sleeping - snoring, talking in their sleep, sleep-walking, and if you're in a situation where you have to share a bed with them, then you may be subjected to being punched, slapped, kicked, poked, laid on top of, having covers and/or pillows stolen, or having one of them try to snuggle up UNDER your own body. Of course they are children, and are absolutely precious when sleeping(and usually when awake!). Perfect? No one is.
And this is true. You know you're successful when you don't have to ask yourself "what if?", because you've accomplished something you've always dreamed of.
This one is VERY important to keep in mind. So many women, myself included at times, measure their self-worth and value to society by the number on the scale. It took me a very long time to learn that my weight is irrelevant to what I have to offer to a job, friends, a relationship, and society. I've also learned that the number on the scale may not accurately reflect your health, body size, or fitness level.
Well I hope you've enjoyed my silly little blog tonight. Maybe you found some motivation to help you get started with exercise, or to step it up a notch and take it to the next level. Or maybe you just found something humorous in some of these and got a little chuckle over some of it.
Thanks for reading, and have a Happy Hump Day tomorrow!
Love it & so true. My kids tell me I need to just get over it and be myself. Stop caring what other people want? I wish I could look past the outside, the thinning hair, no nails, fat belly, ugly face, old body, broken body, & more & feel young & happy again. I just cant right now. Too sad!