25 hours until the graduation ceremonies begin, as of the writing of this. Well, as of when I began writing this. See, I know how I am, and I procrastinate, plus I'm grilling dinner in between writing, and fighting off those damn mosquitoes that adore me. There are pictures to be scanned and shared, and that will have to wait until after dinner.
Baccalaureate services were last night. I got all teary eyed at one point, mostly due to the music, but partly because of all the things that I've been thinking about, having to do with Steven and how he was raised, and how he has changed, and how he has turned into a wonderful young man.
And who isn't at the service and won't be there tomorrow night. There are several that will be missed, and I'm just not at a point I want to discuss it right now. Deaths of relatives from the past, folks that are too far away to come, or those whose health is just not good. Perhaps I will elaborate in the future, but I just can't do it tonight.
We have a big party planned for tomorrow night before the ceremony - light dinner, cake & ice cream, and just a fun time with family and friends. If you didn't get an invite, please don't take it personally. My mind hasn't been in the right place the last few weeks due to some extenuating circumstances, and it wasn't on purpose or to snub anyone. We would love for our friends to come to the ceremony, and drop by the house for a sandwich and cake beforehand. Just message me privately and let me know and I'll be happy to send you the address.
Pictures will be shared later, I'm gonna post this now so I can finish up with the grill. Hope to see you all there tomorrow to celebrate my boy's big day!
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