Thursday, March 23, 2017

Life Goes On

I've had good days and bad days since Meme passed.  Thankfully mostly good days.  For some reason the last couple of days have been difficult.  I'm not sure why, the dates aren't significant to anything having to do with her.  I know she's better off and in a better place, so this feeling will pass eventually.

My hip is still bothering me.  It's much better than it was the last time I mentioned it, and I don't notice it much when I get in the car (last week the pain was excruciating to get in the car), but it still bothers me when I get in bed, wake up in the middle of the night for a bathroom run, and get back in bed.  I have to watch how I lay in the bed to keep it from hurting, and typically have to put a pillow between my knees if I sleep on the side that doesn't hurt.  Walking doesn't bother it, but the stooping and bending still let me know something's off in the hip.  I remembered the other day that my hip would ache all night when we'd go hunting, where I'd be sleeping in a camper, on an air mattress, or in a twin bed, so I'm pretty sure this is arthritis or bursitis or something of the sort, it's just decided to stick with me longer this time.

I would love to have a Shoney's hot fudge cake.  Too bad there aren't any Shoney's anywhere near us!  (or perhaps that's a good thing?!? lol)

Brian showed Steven how to change his oil last night, and tonight they're changing spark plugs and rotating tires.  My boy is learning stuff! 

I've got some wonderful opportunities coming at work - unlimited training courses through an outside vendor, and joining an organization for administrative professionals that will allow me to travel to the annual conference later this summer.  I'm so excited!  I am so thankful for my job at the hospital, and appreciate all of the positivity that I experience there.  This has got to be one of the best places that I've ever worked!

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