Thursday, May 25, 2017

Funny Stuff!

I had my first MRI on Monday.  I kinda knew it was "the tube" thing and I wasn't aware that we have an open one at my hospital, so I didn't know to ask for that when I made the appointment.  I don't think I was in the tube 30 seconds and I started freaking out, almost screaming for the technician to get me out.  She suggested a washcloth over my eyes, and that we'd just try one short scan to start.  That helped a lot, and I finished it, but had to talk myself down from the panic that was slipping back every once in a while.  Thank goodness it only lasted about 20 minutes!  I still had a meltdown afterwards though.  That wasn't fun. :-(

I never had a clue that I was claustrophobic like that.  I knew that I have issues watching movies or TV programs where they're in caves, and have to go through some really tight spots - honestly, I just can't watch it, I have to change the channel, turn the sound off and turn my head, or leave the room during those kinds of scenes.  And reading about the really tiny tight spot that some people had to climb through to find some ancient humanoid skeletal remains, I had to skim over the parts about the actual cave exploration before I freaked out.  LOL  This girl will definitely be asking for the open MRI if she needs another one!

A few weeks ago I'm sitting at my desk at work and I hear this loud crash.  I look towards the door to the parking deck, figuring some silly person has tried to force their way into the door, but lo-and-behold - it was a DEER!!!  Yes, a small deer had rammed the door twice, then rammed the windows next to the door.  I ran outside to check on her, and she then proceeded to get on the roof of the basement (someone didn't have the gate latched), jumped off onto the awning next to the deck, broke through the awning and ran across the dock into the other parking deck.  Someone chased her up to the main level of the deck and she disappeared, I assume into the woodsy area by the walking trails.  Talk about excitement!

I'm going to have to start writing down all the funny stuff my family says, as we're way past due for an installment of "Funny Shit My Family Says".  I can't remember any of it at the moment, but hopefully I'll have enough to write a short blog in the near future.

I'm so glad that tomorrow is Friday!!!  Hallelujah!!!!!  I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and please remember that Memorial Day is to honor and remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  Honor those still living daily, and on Veterans Day!

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