Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Still Not Sure.....

I'm still not sure I want to share this information with everyone.  I've had a very hard time processing things, and while I'm normally an open book about my life and medical issues, this one has been difficult to be open about.  For once I'm going to err on the side of not oversharing, and only share the bare minimum.

I'm having surgery tomorrow for a precancerous condition.  My surgery is being performed by a gynecologic oncologist.  But thankfully, as I've already mentioned, it's for something that the biopsies say are PRE-cancerous.  Doctor estimates I'll be out of work a week or so, but I suppose we shall wait and see just how much pain I'm in afterwards to determine that. 

You'd think that since this is precancerous, I'd be handling it better than I am.  I cried so bad when I found out the biopsy results in July I had to go home a little early from work.  I cried all that afternoon, and on and off all weekend.  I can't really explain it, I guess the fear of that dreaded C word, even when they said pre, got to me.  Hell, I'm emotional as hell now, writing about it.

I'm not much of a religious person, but I'm not afraid to ask for prayers.  Please pray for me, send positive vibes and juju and mojo and thoughts.  I sure need them.

1 comment:

  1. praying for you my friend. By His stripes we are healed. (Isiah 53:5) Hugs. I understand your emotional roller coaster. If you need someone to talk to I am here.
