Yep, I had the Mondayest Monday ever this past Monday! I had opened the garage with the button on the wall, pulled my car out and went to close the door behind me. That's when I discovered the remote was missing from the visor. I half-heartedly searched around the front seat area, but didn't find it. I had to go back in the garage, close the door with the wall-button, then leave through the front door (no I wasn't going to try to run out the closing garage door and either trip the sensor that would stop the closing, or just not make it before the door got too low lol).
I get half-way to work, and discovered that I didn't have any reading glasses on top of my head. Which means I can either turn around and go get a pair from the house, or hope that I have a usable pair in the car or my desk at work somewhere. I chose to carry on to work, I knew I had a pair in the car, it was just a matter of finding them. I arrive to work, park on the top level of the parking deck, and start rummaging around for the glasses. I never found them, but I did manage to find my garage remote in the floorboard of the backseat. And I ended up having 2 pairs of readers in my desk, so that was good.
At lunch, I walk to my car and notice these 3 streaks down the back bumper that looked like colossal streaks of bird poo, but they were too uniform in width and length to be bird poo. So I touched one of them and realized it was a scratch that was about 1/8th of an inch deep, 1/4 of an inch wide, and about 4 inches long. I'm examining the 3 streaks and trying to figure out how in the hell someone managed to hit the bumper like that in the parking deck, and I'm getting ready to call security to pull the video tapes, when I realized wasn't my car. It was a black Altima. I drive a Maxima that is the Nissan color name of "crimson Bordeaux", which is kind of like black cherry. Of course I had to look around to make sure no one saw me touching a car that wasn't mine, and thankfully I was alone on the deck.
When it was quitting time, I gathered my belongings and had an arm full with my Yeti coffee mug, my bottle of water, my phone, my jacket slung over my arm, and my tote bag on my shoulder. I get to the car and click the door handle button to unlock it, and nothing. I bent down and looked into the car to make sure it was mine (because yes I've tried to enter the wrong Maxima at work once), and after seeing the heart shaped crystal thingy hanging from the rear view mirror, I confirmed that yes, it was mine. I tried the handle again, nothing. Click click click click. Nothing. I was getting mad. I proceeded to unload my arm full of stuff onto the roof of my car, and as I went to sling my tote bag on the roof, I realized that I did not have my purse. Meaning I didn't have my keys, because they are buried in said purse. I gathered all my crap up and stomped back to my desk to get my purse.
I had a complete "comedy of errors" day on Monday, and I didn't dare ask "what next"!'s mostly about me, but sometimes it's about family, work, fun, and any darn thing else I please. I'm just past that "middle aged" age, based on the longevity on both sides of the family, and I'm really enjoying my life and the ones in it! I'm a no nonsense kind of girl, hate liars and fakes, and have an extremely low bullshit tolerance. Unless we're goofing around, then it's no holds barred.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
My Annual Thanksgiving Post - Thankful for the Thorns
Thankful for the Thorns
Sandra felt as low as the heels of her Birkenstocks as she pushed against a November gust and the florist shop door. Her life had been easy, like a spring breeze. Then, in the fourth month of her second pregnancy, a minor automobile accident stole her ease. During this Thanksgiving week she would have delivered a son. She grieved over her loss. As if that weren't enough, her husband's company threatened a transfer. Then her sister, whose holiday visit she coveted, called saying she could not come.
What's worse, Sandra's friend infuriated her by suggesting her grief was a God-given path to maturity that would allow her to empathize with others who suffer? "Had she lost a child? No - she has no idea what I'm feeling," Sandra shuddered. Thanksgiving? "Thankful for what?" she wondered. For a careless driver whose truck was hardly scratched when he rear-ended her? For an airbag that saved her life but took that of her child?
"Good afternoon, can I help you?"
The flower shop clerk's approach startled her. "Sorry," said Jenny, "I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you."
"I . . . . I need an arrangement."
"For Thanksgiving?" Sandra nodded. "Do you want beautiful but ordinary, or would you like to challenge the day with a customer favorite I call the "Thanksgiving Special."
Jenny saw Sandra's curiosity and continued, "I'm convinced that flowers tell stories, that each arrangement insinuates a particular feeling. Are you looking for something that conveys gratitude this Thanksgiving?"
"Not exactly!" Sandra blurted. "Sorry, but in the last five months, everything that could go wrong has."
Sandra regretted her outburst but was surprised when Jenny said, "I have the perfect arrangement for you."
The door's small bell suddenly rang. "Barbara! Hi, "Jenny said. She politely excused herself form Sandra and walked toward a small workroom. She quickly reappeared carrying a massive arrangement of green bows, and long-stemmed thorny roses. Only, the ends of the rose stems were neatly snipped, no flowers.
"Want this in a box?" Jenny asked.
Sandra watched for Barbara's response. Was this a joke? Who would want rose stems and no flowers! She waited for laughter, for someone to notice the absence of flowers atop the thorny stems, but neither woman did.
"Yes, please. It's exquisite," said Barbara. "You'd think after three years of getting the special, I'd not be so moved by its significance, but it's happening again. My family will love this one. Thanks."
Sandra stared. "Why so normal a conversation about so strange an arrangement?" she wondered.
"Ah, said Sandra, pointing. "That lady just left with, ah . . . ."
"Well, she had no flowers!"
"Off. Yep. That's the Special. I call it the "Thanksgiving Thorns Bouquet."
"But, why do people pay for that?" In spite of herself she chuckled.
"Do you really want to know?"
"I couldn't leave this shop without knowing. I'd think about nothing else!"
"That might be good," said Jenny.
"Well," she continued, "Barbara came into the shop three years ago feeling very much like you feel today. She thought she had very little to be thankful for. She had lost her father to cancer, the family business was failing, her son was into drugs, and she faced major surgery."
"Ouch!" said Sandra.
"That same year, I lost my husband. I assumed complete responsibility for the shop and for the first time, spent the holidays alone. I had no children, no husband, no family nearby, and too great a debt to allow any travel."
"What did you do?"
"I learned to be thankful for thorns.
"Sandra's eyebrows lifted. "Thorns?"
"I'm a Christian, Sandra. I've always thanked God for good things in life and I never thought to ask Him why good things happened to me. But, when bad stuff hit. Did I ever ask! It took time to learn that dark times are important. I always enjoyed the flowers' of life but it took thorns to show me the beauty of God's comfort. You know, the Bible says that God comforts us when we're afflicted and from His consolation we learn to comfort others."
Sandra gasped. "A friend read that passage to me and I was furious! I guess the truth is, I don't want comfort. I've lost a baby and I'm angry with God." She started to ask Jenny to "go on" when the door's bell diverted their attention.
"Hey, Phil!" shouted Jenny as a balding, rotund man entered the shop. She softly touched Sandra's arm and moved to welcome him. He tucked her under his side for a warm hug. "I'm here for twelve thorny long-stemmed stems!" Phil laughed, heartily.
"I figured as much," said Jenny. "I've got them ready." She lifted a tissue-wrapped arrangement form the refrigerated cabinet.
"Beautiful," said Phil. "My wife will love them."
Sandra could not resist asking, "These are for your wife?"
Phil saw that Sandra's curiosity matched his when he first heard of a Thorn Bouquet. "Do you mind me asking, 'Why thorns?"
"In fact, I'm glad you asked, "He said. "Four years ago my wife and I nearly divorced. After forty years, we were in a real mess, but we slogged through, problem by rotten problem. We rescued our marriage - our love, really. Last year, at Thanksgiving, I stopped in here for flowers. I must have mentioned surviving a tough process because Jenny told me that for a long time she kept a vase of rose stems --- stems! --- As a reminder of what she learned from 'thorny' times. That was good enough for me. I took home stems, My wife and I decided to label each one for a specific thorny situation and give thanks for what the problem taught us. I'm pretty sure this stem review is becoming a tradition."
Phil paid Jenny, thanked her again and as he left, said to Sandra, "I highly recommend the Special!"
"I don't know if I can be thankful for the thorns in my life, "Sandra said to Jenny.
"Well, my experience says that thorns make roses more precious. We treasure God's providential care more during trouble than at any other time. Remember, Sandra, Jesus wore a crown of thorns so that we might know His love. Do not resent thorns."
Tears rolled down Sandra's cheeks. For the first time since the accident she loosened her grip on resentment. "I'll take twelve long-stemmed thorns, please."
"I hoped you would, " Jenny said. "I'll have them ready in a minute. Then, every time you see them, remember to appreciate both good and hard times. We grow through both."
"Thank you. What do I owe you?"
"Nothing. Nothing but a pledge to work toward healing your heart. The first year's arrangement is always on me." Jenny handed a card to Sandra. "I'll attach a card like this to your arrangement but maybe you'd like to read it first. Go ahead, read it."
My God, I have never thanked Thee for my thorns! I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorns. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear, teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed to Thee by the path of pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbow. George Matheson
I have reposted this every year since I received it a few years back. It's not something I ever thought of before - why in the world would I want to thank God for all the "thorns" in my life that have caused me so much grief, pain, aggravation and disappointments? I have learned a lot over the last decade or two, and it has taken great pain, suffering, aggravation and disappointment for me to reach the point in my life where I am now. We don't truly learn about life and about ourselves until we have suffered in some fashion - we are given the opportunity to learn and grow through the trials and tribulations that we experience. Many times, we can't make sense of it or find a purpose in it as we are experiencing the difficult times, but eventually, we figure it out and find meaning in it.
I'm not a particularly religious person, I find myself questioning some things at times and I just kinda work things out with what makes the most sense to me. But - I do believe we are given the "thorns" in our lives for a reason. So - remember to be thankful for not only the good things in life, but also for those "thorns" that you are pricked with on occasion, for they do serve a purpose in our lives.
Sandra felt as low as the heels of her Birkenstocks as she pushed against a November gust and the florist shop door. Her life had been easy, like a spring breeze. Then, in the fourth month of her second pregnancy, a minor automobile accident stole her ease. During this Thanksgiving week she would have delivered a son. She grieved over her loss. As if that weren't enough, her husband's company threatened a transfer. Then her sister, whose holiday visit she coveted, called saying she could not come.
What's worse, Sandra's friend infuriated her by suggesting her grief was a God-given path to maturity that would allow her to empathize with others who suffer? "Had she lost a child? No - she has no idea what I'm feeling," Sandra shuddered. Thanksgiving? "Thankful for what?" she wondered. For a careless driver whose truck was hardly scratched when he rear-ended her? For an airbag that saved her life but took that of her child?
"Good afternoon, can I help you?"
The flower shop clerk's approach startled her. "Sorry," said Jenny, "I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you."
"I . . . . I need an arrangement."
"For Thanksgiving?" Sandra nodded. "Do you want beautiful but ordinary, or would you like to challenge the day with a customer favorite I call the "Thanksgiving Special."
Jenny saw Sandra's curiosity and continued, "I'm convinced that flowers tell stories, that each arrangement insinuates a particular feeling. Are you looking for something that conveys gratitude this Thanksgiving?"
"Not exactly!" Sandra blurted. "Sorry, but in the last five months, everything that could go wrong has."
Sandra regretted her outburst but was surprised when Jenny said, "I have the perfect arrangement for you."
The door's small bell suddenly rang. "Barbara! Hi, "Jenny said. She politely excused herself form Sandra and walked toward a small workroom. She quickly reappeared carrying a massive arrangement of green bows, and long-stemmed thorny roses. Only, the ends of the rose stems were neatly snipped, no flowers.
"Want this in a box?" Jenny asked.
Sandra watched for Barbara's response. Was this a joke? Who would want rose stems and no flowers! She waited for laughter, for someone to notice the absence of flowers atop the thorny stems, but neither woman did.
"Yes, please. It's exquisite," said Barbara. "You'd think after three years of getting the special, I'd not be so moved by its significance, but it's happening again. My family will love this one. Thanks."
Sandra stared. "Why so normal a conversation about so strange an arrangement?" she wondered.
"Ah, said Sandra, pointing. "That lady just left with, ah . . . ."
"Well, she had no flowers!"
"Off. Yep. That's the Special. I call it the "Thanksgiving Thorns Bouquet."
"But, why do people pay for that?" In spite of herself she chuckled.
"Do you really want to know?"
"I couldn't leave this shop without knowing. I'd think about nothing else!"
"That might be good," said Jenny.
"Well," she continued, "Barbara came into the shop three years ago feeling very much like you feel today. She thought she had very little to be thankful for. She had lost her father to cancer, the family business was failing, her son was into drugs, and she faced major surgery."
"Ouch!" said Sandra.
"That same year, I lost my husband. I assumed complete responsibility for the shop and for the first time, spent the holidays alone. I had no children, no husband, no family nearby, and too great a debt to allow any travel."
"What did you do?"
"I learned to be thankful for thorns.
"Sandra's eyebrows lifted. "Thorns?"
"I'm a Christian, Sandra. I've always thanked God for good things in life and I never thought to ask Him why good things happened to me. But, when bad stuff hit. Did I ever ask! It took time to learn that dark times are important. I always enjoyed the flowers' of life but it took thorns to show me the beauty of God's comfort. You know, the Bible says that God comforts us when we're afflicted and from His consolation we learn to comfort others."
Sandra gasped. "A friend read that passage to me and I was furious! I guess the truth is, I don't want comfort. I've lost a baby and I'm angry with God." She started to ask Jenny to "go on" when the door's bell diverted their attention.
"Hey, Phil!" shouted Jenny as a balding, rotund man entered the shop. She softly touched Sandra's arm and moved to welcome him. He tucked her under his side for a warm hug. "I'm here for twelve thorny long-stemmed stems!" Phil laughed, heartily.
"I figured as much," said Jenny. "I've got them ready." She lifted a tissue-wrapped arrangement form the refrigerated cabinet.
"Beautiful," said Phil. "My wife will love them."
Sandra could not resist asking, "These are for your wife?"
Phil saw that Sandra's curiosity matched his when he first heard of a Thorn Bouquet. "Do you mind me asking, 'Why thorns?"
"In fact, I'm glad you asked, "He said. "Four years ago my wife and I nearly divorced. After forty years, we were in a real mess, but we slogged through, problem by rotten problem. We rescued our marriage - our love, really. Last year, at Thanksgiving, I stopped in here for flowers. I must have mentioned surviving a tough process because Jenny told me that for a long time she kept a vase of rose stems --- stems! --- As a reminder of what she learned from 'thorny' times. That was good enough for me. I took home stems, My wife and I decided to label each one for a specific thorny situation and give thanks for what the problem taught us. I'm pretty sure this stem review is becoming a tradition."
Phil paid Jenny, thanked her again and as he left, said to Sandra, "I highly recommend the Special!"
"I don't know if I can be thankful for the thorns in my life, "Sandra said to Jenny.
"Well, my experience says that thorns make roses more precious. We treasure God's providential care more during trouble than at any other time. Remember, Sandra, Jesus wore a crown of thorns so that we might know His love. Do not resent thorns."
Tears rolled down Sandra's cheeks. For the first time since the accident she loosened her grip on resentment. "I'll take twelve long-stemmed thorns, please."
"I hoped you would, " Jenny said. "I'll have them ready in a minute. Then, every time you see them, remember to appreciate both good and hard times. We grow through both."
"Thank you. What do I owe you?"
"Nothing. Nothing but a pledge to work toward healing your heart. The first year's arrangement is always on me." Jenny handed a card to Sandra. "I'll attach a card like this to your arrangement but maybe you'd like to read it first. Go ahead, read it."
My God, I have never thanked Thee for my thorns! I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorns. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear, teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed to Thee by the path of pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbow. George Matheson
I have reposted this every year since I received it a few years back. It's not something I ever thought of before - why in the world would I want to thank God for all the "thorns" in my life that have caused me so much grief, pain, aggravation and disappointments? I have learned a lot over the last decade or two, and it has taken great pain, suffering, aggravation and disappointment for me to reach the point in my life where I am now. We don't truly learn about life and about ourselves until we have suffered in some fashion - we are given the opportunity to learn and grow through the trials and tribulations that we experience. Many times, we can't make sense of it or find a purpose in it as we are experiencing the difficult times, but eventually, we figure it out and find meaning in it.
I'm not a particularly religious person, I find myself questioning some things at times and I just kinda work things out with what makes the most sense to me. But - I do believe we are given the "thorns" in our lives for a reason. So - remember to be thankful for not only the good things in life, but also for those "thorns" that you are pricked with on occasion, for they do serve a purpose in our lives.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
It's Been a Year, and Other Updates
We've had our little monster, Red, for just over a year now. Which means that we lost Dominion just little longer ago than that. I still cry over him. A LOT. Crying now, as I write this, as a matter of fact! I made peanut butter pumpkin cookies for the pups today, and realized that no one has made homemade dog treats since before Dominion passed last year. And Clydie reminded me how very much Dominion loved them. 😠(lawdy Clydie don't say nothing else to me tonight about the cookies or Dominion, I'll cry even more! lol)
Gabriel has been struggling lately. I don't want to get into it any further than that at this point. Please don't even ask, as I cannot talk about it without totally losing control of my emotions. (this includes you too, Mom 🤣 )
Brian is healing nicely from his 4-wheeler accident on July 5. Every time he gets out of line, I threaten to blacken his eyes again for him. LOL But seriously - Brian was so very fortunate to have not been injured worse than he was in that accident! (You should see the photos of him, which I promised not to post) He did have an unrelated shoulder surgery on August 8, to repair his rotator cuff, remove a bunch of arthritis and bone spurs, and move his biceps over from one spot to another. His incisions have healed so well I can only see 1 of them!
It's coming up on deer hunting season here, bow season opens 3 weeks from yesterday! We went to hunt camp yesterday and last Saturday to do some work on our sites. We took Brian's grand-nephew with us last weekend and he helped out with the weed-eating and chain-sawing that needed to be done, and yesterday it was just us and Red. Red had a good time roaming around the woods with us, and he rides so well in the truck. My only issue with going there this time of year (besides the damn heat & humidity) is that freaking bugs that like to bite you and make you itch. As I've mentioned on this blog many times before, I just cannot deal with constant itching, it makes me absolutely INSANE!!!!! Last weekend I was eat up on my ankles, the backs of my knees, and a big bite on my hip and my butt. Yesterday, I used some tea tree oil spray that I had on hand, and while I didn't get as many bites, I did get some and they are driving me NUTS!!!!! About the only thing that works to cut down on the itching is triamcinolone cream. Last weekend I was all bandaged up, because it seems to work best when I put a big blog on the bite, then put a bandage of some sort over that. Right now, I have a gauze bandage on the back of one knee, and 3 band-aids on my legs. I'll be taking me some Benadryl tonight and covering myself in steroid cream and bandages! LOL
So last weekend on the way home from hunt camp I was driving and Brian pulled the visor down on the passenger side. He asked me "why is your mirror dirty?" and I said "it's your truck, not mine remember?" and he responded with "but this is your side of the truck, so why is the mirror dirty?". I said "Well I guess one of your side bitches must have gotten it dirty" and started laughing hysterically, which only got worse when I saw the look he gave me! I then said "that's a look of either you're trying to be all serious and trying not to laugh, or you just got busted!" He didn't find my line of comments amusing, which made it even funnier to me. I haven't laughed like that in a very long time and it was great!
There's just never enough time in the weekend to get everything done. I'm covered up in laundry, have to make the bed, should have swept and mopped the floors but I just don't see that happening tonight, and I still have to do my nails. Speaking of nails - I now know what it's like to have an ingrown toenail surgically cut out. It's not an experience that I'd like to repeat, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world that I've had to go through. The numbing shots were the worst part of the actual procedure, and it was more the thought of them than the actual feeling of them. Until the numbness wore off. I swear I think the shots caused arthritis in my foot in a place that had never hurt before! lol But seriously, I don't want to scare anyone off from having this done if you need it. Your feet are very important to your health, and you don't want to get infections in your toes from ingrown nails, especially if you are diabetic. So please get your feet checked and have those nails taken care of if needed! The funniest part of the procedure was when the doctor was cleaning my foot in preparation to do the numbing shots, I looked where he was cleaned and was being overly dramatic and said "oh god I don't want them put there!" and he said "well, where would you like me to put them?" and I said "you're the doctor, you put them where they're supposed to go. I just don't want this lol!" I admit, I cried when he injected me the first time. After that, I didn't feel much, and certainly didn't feel any of the procedure. Once the numbness wore off, I wasn't as sore as I expected, except for when Big Foot (otherwise known as RED) stomped on said toe. Multiple times. 🤷
Clydie is healing up quite nicely from her ordeal of the broken humerus. She got out of the sling about 2 weeks ago, and is back to cooking and driving on her own again. I know she's glad to be independent once again! She's got physical therapy twice a week, and "homework exercises" that she does on the daily, so she's coming along nicely.
Well folks, I'm blogged out for tonight, I still have 2 loads of laundry and a bed to make tonight, so I gotta go. I hope you have all had a great weekend, and that you'll start the week off on a positive note for tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
Gabriel has been struggling lately. I don't want to get into it any further than that at this point. Please don't even ask, as I cannot talk about it without totally losing control of my emotions. (this includes you too, Mom 🤣 )
Brian is healing nicely from his 4-wheeler accident on July 5. Every time he gets out of line, I threaten to blacken his eyes again for him. LOL But seriously - Brian was so very fortunate to have not been injured worse than he was in that accident! (You should see the photos of him, which I promised not to post) He did have an unrelated shoulder surgery on August 8, to repair his rotator cuff, remove a bunch of arthritis and bone spurs, and move his biceps over from one spot to another. His incisions have healed so well I can only see 1 of them!
It's coming up on deer hunting season here, bow season opens 3 weeks from yesterday! We went to hunt camp yesterday and last Saturday to do some work on our sites. We took Brian's grand-nephew with us last weekend and he helped out with the weed-eating and chain-sawing that needed to be done, and yesterday it was just us and Red. Red had a good time roaming around the woods with us, and he rides so well in the truck. My only issue with going there this time of year (besides the damn heat & humidity) is that freaking bugs that like to bite you and make you itch. As I've mentioned on this blog many times before, I just cannot deal with constant itching, it makes me absolutely INSANE!!!!! Last weekend I was eat up on my ankles, the backs of my knees, and a big bite on my hip and my butt. Yesterday, I used some tea tree oil spray that I had on hand, and while I didn't get as many bites, I did get some and they are driving me NUTS!!!!! About the only thing that works to cut down on the itching is triamcinolone cream. Last weekend I was all bandaged up, because it seems to work best when I put a big blog on the bite, then put a bandage of some sort over that. Right now, I have a gauze bandage on the back of one knee, and 3 band-aids on my legs. I'll be taking me some Benadryl tonight and covering myself in steroid cream and bandages! LOL
So last weekend on the way home from hunt camp I was driving and Brian pulled the visor down on the passenger side. He asked me "why is your mirror dirty?" and I said "it's your truck, not mine remember?" and he responded with "but this is your side of the truck, so why is the mirror dirty?". I said "Well I guess one of your side bitches must have gotten it dirty" and started laughing hysterically, which only got worse when I saw the look he gave me! I then said "that's a look of either you're trying to be all serious and trying not to laugh, or you just got busted!" He didn't find my line of comments amusing, which made it even funnier to me. I haven't laughed like that in a very long time and it was great!
There's just never enough time in the weekend to get everything done. I'm covered up in laundry, have to make the bed, should have swept and mopped the floors but I just don't see that happening tonight, and I still have to do my nails. Speaking of nails - I now know what it's like to have an ingrown toenail surgically cut out. It's not an experience that I'd like to repeat, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world that I've had to go through. The numbing shots were the worst part of the actual procedure, and it was more the thought of them than the actual feeling of them. Until the numbness wore off. I swear I think the shots caused arthritis in my foot in a place that had never hurt before! lol But seriously, I don't want to scare anyone off from having this done if you need it. Your feet are very important to your health, and you don't want to get infections in your toes from ingrown nails, especially if you are diabetic. So please get your feet checked and have those nails taken care of if needed! The funniest part of the procedure was when the doctor was cleaning my foot in preparation to do the numbing shots, I looked where he was cleaned and was being overly dramatic and said "oh god I don't want them put there!" and he said "well, where would you like me to put them?" and I said "you're the doctor, you put them where they're supposed to go. I just don't want this lol!" I admit, I cried when he injected me the first time. After that, I didn't feel much, and certainly didn't feel any of the procedure. Once the numbness wore off, I wasn't as sore as I expected, except for when Big Foot (otherwise known as RED) stomped on said toe. Multiple times. 🤷
Clydie is healing up quite nicely from her ordeal of the broken humerus. She got out of the sling about 2 weeks ago, and is back to cooking and driving on her own again. I know she's glad to be independent once again! She's got physical therapy twice a week, and "homework exercises" that she does on the daily, so she's coming along nicely.
Well folks, I'm blogged out for tonight, I still have 2 loads of laundry and a bed to make tonight, so I gotta go. I hope you have all had a great weekend, and that you'll start the week off on a positive note for tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Where Has the Time Gone????
I cannot believe it's July 7th already! I haven't blogged since December 30, so unlike me. I just haven't wanted to share as much as I have in the past, and just haven't had the motivation to sit and put coherent thoughts down.
July has started off with a bang, and it just needs to STOP!

July has started off with a bang, and it just needs to STOP!
- July 2, Brian had a lipoma removed from the back of his head. No big deal, this was planned and thankfully could be done in the doctor's office under a local anesthetic.
- July 3rd I went to the pet store for dog food and someone's Jeep slipped out of gear and rolled across the aisle into my car. The man was nice enough to stay for the police report, and he was very sincere and apologetic over the accident. Fortunately my car was drivable and we were able to go on our way once the police did their report. (photos below)
- Also on July 3rd - Gabriel and Red decided to have a disagreement underneath the kitchen table where I was sitting, and I got caught in the melee. :-( I has an ouchie. (and that was my first trip to the ED for myself in over a decade yay me!)
- July 5th, Brian had a 4-wheeler accident. Best we can tell the right tire slipped into a gully while he was driving down a hill, and it flipped over and threw him off. Brian looks like he was the loser in an MMA or UFC fight, but thankfully the only breaks he has are 2 small fractures around his eye (one on top, one on bottom). He's got a hell of a black eye, the knot on his head has gone down significantly (he does have a concussion), and he's got a sprained neck, shoulder, and wrist. And dirt (road) rash.
- July 6th, Steven's rear car window was shattered (most likely with a BB gun but unfortunately there were no witnesses). It was parked at his home and he was out of town, his brother called me to let me know what happened.

That's been our July so far. June was pretty good, other than Clydie getting injured while we were in Missouri to visit Brian's daughter, Madison. (for those that don't know, Clydie had Red, our 80lb Italian mastiff, outside with her, neighbor's Chihuahua came into our yard, Red went to give chase and pulled Clydie off her feet, causing her to land on her arm and break the upper arm bone in at least 2-3 places). She's still in her sling/brace thingy, and goes back to the doctor on Thursday for another recheck. I've been doing 99% of the cooking and after-dinner cleanup, and trying to clean around the house when I can.
We had an awesome visit with Brian's daughter last month, photos are posted on my Facebook if you're interested in seeing them. We took Madison to my dad's for a couple days in Arkansas and got to see a few things in Little Rock while there (the zoo, military museum, and the Discovery Museum). We went to the Six Flags in Missouri (in Eureka), and just hung around Warrenton for a few days so we could spend time with Madison. We had a great time with her!
Brian's been working on the mancave to get it put back together - it was leaking water whenever it rained heavy, so we had a company come in to do some work which involved taking up the carpet and replacing some sheetrock (and jackhammering the concrete around the walls, having drains and a sump pump installed). We decided the area needed a do-over once the concrete was dry (including a complete bathroom renovation) so the flooring has been laid, the shower is almost done with being tiled, the walls have been painted, and it's close to being finished. Hopefully Brian will feel up to finishing it this week!
Let's hope the rest of the month is uneventful!
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