July has started off with a bang, and it just needs to STOP!
- July 2, Brian had a lipoma removed from the back of his head. No big deal, this was planned and thankfully could be done in the doctor's office under a local anesthetic.
- July 3rd I went to the pet store for dog food and someone's Jeep slipped out of gear and rolled across the aisle into my car. The man was nice enough to stay for the police report, and he was very sincere and apologetic over the accident. Fortunately my car was drivable and we were able to go on our way once the police did their report. (photos below)
- Also on July 3rd - Gabriel and Red decided to have a disagreement underneath the kitchen table where I was sitting, and I got caught in the melee. :-( I has an ouchie. (and that was my first trip to the ED for myself in over a decade yay me!)
- July 5th, Brian had a 4-wheeler accident. Best we can tell the right tire slipped into a gully while he was driving down a hill, and it flipped over and threw him off. Brian looks like he was the loser in an MMA or UFC fight, but thankfully the only breaks he has are 2 small fractures around his eye (one on top, one on bottom). He's got a hell of a black eye, the knot on his head has gone down significantly (he does have a concussion), and he's got a sprained neck, shoulder, and wrist. And dirt (road) rash.
- July 6th, Steven's rear car window was shattered (most likely with a BB gun but unfortunately there were no witnesses). It was parked at his home and he was out of town, his brother called me to let me know what happened.

That's been our July so far. June was pretty good, other than Clydie getting injured while we were in Missouri to visit Brian's daughter, Madison. (for those that don't know, Clydie had Red, our 80lb Italian mastiff, outside with her, neighbor's Chihuahua came into our yard, Red went to give chase and pulled Clydie off her feet, causing her to land on her arm and break the upper arm bone in at least 2-3 places). She's still in her sling/brace thingy, and goes back to the doctor on Thursday for another recheck. I've been doing 99% of the cooking and after-dinner cleanup, and trying to clean around the house when I can.
We had an awesome visit with Brian's daughter last month, photos are posted on my Facebook if you're interested in seeing them. We took Madison to my dad's for a couple days in Arkansas and got to see a few things in Little Rock while there (the zoo, military museum, and the Discovery Museum). We went to the Six Flags in Missouri (in Eureka), and just hung around Warrenton for a few days so we could spend time with Madison. We had a great time with her!
Brian's been working on the mancave to get it put back together - it was leaking water whenever it rained heavy, so we had a company come in to do some work which involved taking up the carpet and replacing some sheetrock (and jackhammering the concrete around the walls, having drains and a sump pump installed). We decided the area needed a do-over once the concrete was dry (including a complete bathroom renovation) so the flooring has been laid, the shower is almost done with being tiled, the walls have been painted, and it's close to being finished. Hopefully Brian will feel up to finishing it this week!
Let's hope the rest of the month is uneventful!
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