Monday, May 28, 2018

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Yep, today's our anniversary.  7 years of wedded bliss.  Sure, it isn't always perfect, but whose marriage is?  We make the best of things even in the worst of times, and we are always there for each other.  I'm much needier in the emotional aspect, and he is always there to help me through my tough times, be it the death of a beloved family member, bad news about someone dear to me, or when I'm just having one of those days.

Looking back on when we met, neither one of us thought we'd ever end up married to each other.  On our 2nd date, Brian flat-out said to me that if I was looking for something long-term, to just move on, that he wasn't interested in settling down or EVER getting married again.  Well, neither was I at the time, so we just kept seeing each other and figured that whatever was meant to be, would happen.

And here we are - almost 12 years after meeting, and 7 years of being married! 

                                                           August 2011

                                                        our first military ball, 2010

Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!  I love you Brian!

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