Sunday, May 27, 2018

Relaxing Weekend......

First thing this morning, I make myself a cup of coffee, and BAM!  I spill the ENTIRE cup of coffee - all over the counter, the floor, and my nightgown.  What a way to start my Sunday!  Dominion discovered the he does not like coffee, I wish I could have seen the expression on his face after he tried a lick of it from the floor.  He just shook his head and walked right on off after trying a dab.  After my fiasco in the kitchen last weekend, would you take this as a sign that I should perhaps stay out of the kitchen today?  LOL  Too bad, I've got some more new recipes that my husband wants me to try, so I'll be cooking this afternoon.

We had a busy day yesterday - Clydie and I got outside early when it was still in the low 70's to trim the grass around the angel trumpets that run along our property line.  It was quite pleasant outside while we were out.  Then we went into town and had a late breakfast with Brian, and while he went to get his beard trimmed, Clydie and I went to Lowe's and looked at flowers.  She picked up a guara, and then she asked me what I wanted to put in the place of last year's Persian Shield.  Right when she said that, I spied some Persian Shield!  So we replaced the old with the same.   Persian Shield is usually an annual, but ours came back last summer.  I had hopes that it would come back this season, but alas it did not.  But now I have more!

We got home and I cut the grass in the front yard while Brian tinkered with his chainsaw (thank goodness for the riding mower!).  Ended up getting the backyard cut, too, and we went out to the garden afterwards and did some weeding.  There's more weeding to be done this afternoon, and then we're gonna lay down some newspapers in between the rows so that we can try to prevent more weeds from sprouting up.  Brian also used the weedeater to trim some of the wilderness on the outside of the fence (the empty lot next to our lot has a lot of brush and old shrubbery stuff that grows right up to our fence and he tries to cut it back every year so it doesn't overtake our fence). 

Today we'll also be treating the backyard with some spectracide, and Brian said he may get the weedeater out to do some more trimming on the outside of the fence.  I've got to spray myself down with bug spray before I go out there again, got yet another damn fly bite last night on my arm.  It's itching like a mo-fo this morning and the swelling has commenced.  Why am I so yummy to all the biting creatures?  lol

Okay a quick blurb on something I haven't mentioned in a while since I initially asked for prayers - the Friday before Mother's Day, my cousin's wife had some sort of brain bleed happen (I've been told it was a congenital issue but I don't know all the details). She had 2 open skull surgeries the first week she was in the hospital, and they were told to expect that she will remain in ICU for at least 60 days, and that her memory would have a lot of issues, and they just wouldn't know until more time had passed.  She was moved to rehab yesterday, after just 2 weeks in the hospital, and is walking with a walker, talking, flipping birds and dropping the f-bomb.  Looks like she's still in there and the road to recovery, while still likely a long one, seems to possibly be a shorter one than was expected.  Thanks to all of you who sent prayers and good vibes to the family for her. 

And on this Memorial Day weekend - please think of all those that gave their lives protecting our freedoms and our country.  It's not about the BBQ or the beach, folks.  But I have something extra to celebrate on Memorial Day this year - it's also my 7th wedding anniversary to the absolute love of my life!  Happy Anniversary Brian!  I love you!

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