Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mom's In Town!

Yay my momma is back in Georgia for a bit!  I spent the weekend with her, hanging out, eating, shopping, and steam-cleaning the carpet.  I had such a great time with her, and hope to do it again before she goes back to West Virginia.  We went through Meme's recipe box and found multiple recipes for Brunswick stew and tea cake cookies.  I copied a few of the stew recipes and fixed some for dinner tonight.  It was a hit with the family!  And I copied 4 of the tea cake cookie recipes, and will be trying one of them out this week.  I always loved Meme's tea cake cookies, and I'm hoping that the one I'm thinking it is, is the correct one.  We shall see!

I am up waaaay past my bedtime tonight.  Had to do the income taxes.  Yes, on the due date.  But they are done nonetheless.  (have I mentioned lately how much I hate and despise tax time?)  I still need to prep lunch for Brian for tomorrow, and I tend to prep the whole week for certain things, but I think tonight at this point I'm going to worry about tomorrow, and tomorrow I'll take care of the rest of the week.  Sound like a good plan to you?

Got my brows tinted last week, and have had several compliments on them.  Funny how people never noticed until I had them tinted.  LOL

I got my chariot back on Friday!  I was so happy to have my car back from the shop.  I forgot how great it felt to drive it!  :-)

I hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Latest and Not So Greatest

Wow, it's been almost 2 months since I last blogged.  Lots of things have been going on, nothing too major or life-changing, just the usual stuff here and there.  Here's some bullet points of happenings:

  • Steven's 21 year old car crapped out on him in February, so he bought a new (to him) car - a 2013 Kia Rio.  He named it Blanca Del Rio.  (it's white)
  • I've been sick with the crud since the middle of March.  2 shots of steroids, 3 shots of Rocephin, a prescription for Keflex, followed by 2 weeks of Levaquin (that I will finish this week), and I'm STILL coughing!  This shit is driving me NUTS!!!!!  But I'm sorta seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with this, the cough isn't nearly as deep, just an annoyance at this point.
  • Got the aquarium stand built (thank you dear hubby!) and the tank set up and stocked with fishies.  We have an assortment - 2 Cory Cats called the Stray Cats, 2 Black Moors known as the Blues Brothers, 3 small comets known as the 3 Amigos, 4 Australian Rainbows aka the Baldwin Brothers, 2 gold fantail goldfish called Goldie & Kurt, and 4 angelfish - Charlie & his Angels.  They are so much fun to watch!  The Baldwin Brothers chase each other around, and sometimes Kurt & Goldie chase each other too.  Yes I know that they always say you should never mix goldfish with tropical fish, but I've always done it and never had an issue.  I'm also making sure to do partial water changes weekly, typically about 12 gallons or so.  Everyone is happy and healthy and beautiful!
  • I was involved in a fender bender back on March 2.  I was at the front of a 3 car accident.  A 2005 Chevy pickup rear ended the 1985 Chevy that was behind me, and the old truck got pushed into my bumper.  We were sitting at a red light, so the truck behind me and I were both stopped.  As hard as that 2005 hit the 1985 truck, I don't believe he even hit his brakes.  Thankfully I was not injured, and while the damage to my car appeared minor, the original estimate for repairs has doubled + some.  I turned my car in last week for the repairs, and I have a rental for now, a 2017 Toyota Camry.  I LOVE my Nissan Maxima, but if I was in the market for a new car, I would consider a Camry.
  • I went to a drag show last week.  One of my son's best friend did their debut act, and it was great!  But I know this - I'm TOO DAMN OLD to be out that late on a work night!  LOL

I'm sure that more has happened over these last 2 months, but those are the highlights.  I hope everyone is doing well, and I'm not going to promise to do better at blogging, it just is what it is.